Five Reasons For Dog Daycare

To learn more about our doggy daycare services, give us a call. Our South Auckland day care is based in in Ardmore, and we take daily care of dogs from Papakura, Manurewa Takanini, Whitford, Clevedon, Manukau, Botany Downs and all areas in between.
1) Exercise and open-play
Does your dog have loads of energy? Would your pup benefit from a play session with mates? One of the major benefits of doggie daycare is that your dog will get exercise and go home tired and happy. With regular walks, enrichment activities and socialisation your dog will be stimulated mentally and physically.
The dogs at Auckland Kennel & Cattery typically spend the day running and playing in a group; a natural way for them to get physical exercise and the mental stimulation they need.
2) Socialisation
Our open-play environment encourages exercise and socialisation for all dogs. Another of the well-recognised benefits of doggie daycare are the effects of socialisation on dogs. A well-socialised dog is much less likely to feel threatened in new situations and is therefore more likely to remain calm in different environments or when presented with new people or dogs.
Dogs are matched in suitable play groups according to size, energy level and play style. For safety’s sake, we don’t mix our larger dogs with our smaller guests. Small dogs within a similar age, nature, size and breed have their own purpose-built kennel building and exercise yard.
3) Develop Dog Confidence
Your dog will learn how to act in other social scenarios and become more comfortable around new dogs and new people. He or she will become more well-rounded and confident. Just one or two days a week at dog daycare can really work wonders for your canine cobber.
4) Safe Play
Being a rural dog day care facility we can offer our day care dogs both indoor and outdoor facilities. Our dog daycare facilities include spacious, climate-controlled playrooms, so there is more than enough room for our canine guests to run and play, whatever the weather.
Both large and smaller dogs can enjoy their own space. We have separate indoor / outdoor areas the big dogs and a separate area for the smaller dogs. We pride ourselves on creating an environment where your dog can have as much fun as possible. Your dog will be hounding you to take them back.
5) A Team You Can Trust
Our staff has experience working with all types of dogs and we chose to employ each individual because they love working with animals. We’re pet owners as well and we understand a dog’s need for constant, loving attention, which is why someone from our staff will keep an eye on your dog from the time they arrive until you pick them up.
If you’re looking for a comfortable, safe and secure environment for your dog, call us on 09 299 7415 to ask about doggy day care. Inspections are welcome 10am – 4pm each day. Both regular and casual daycare places are available. You can enroll your dog in day care even if it’s just a day or two a week.