Keeping Your Dog Safe

Kiwis love their dogs – almost one third of households have one – and most people take the responsibility of dog ownership seriously. Dogs need a good home and a good owner. Negligent owners produce flawed and sometimes dangerous dogs.

Sadly though, people often find wandering dogs that have no collars, no name tags, are not clearly microchipped, and that have escaped from insecure properties. These animals are often dropped to us so we can keep them safe, but they invariably end up at the council. Owners can be fined up to $3,000 for their dog straying as well as being liable for a fee of up to $200 for impounding. If owners are not found within seven days, these dogs’ futures become quite unclear.

Dog Ownership

The reality is that having a dog changes your lifestyle. You have to plan for dog ownership and see it as a commitment for a decade or more. If your dog is to be happy and healthy and the people around it to be safe, there are certain needs to be met and rules to follow.

To protect both the animal and the general public, there are strict rules around dog ownership. Dogs must be registered, microchipped and under control at all times. If you’re in a public place, you must have a leash whenever your dog is with you. You have to make sure your dog gets adequate exercise and doesn’t create a nuisance to others by barking or howling. Your dog must not harm or distress any person, stock, domestic animal or protected wildlife or damage or endanger any property. You have to give your dog proper care and attention, including food, water, shade and shelter. To get a Responsible Dog Owner Licence from Auckland Council, your property must have a fully fenced containment area suitable to the size of the dog and with a properly gated entrance.

Dogs Are Social Beasts

Dogs need time and attention, as well as plenty of exercise. Dogs also need company. They are social animals and bad habits can result from loneliness and boredom. To deprive a dog of companionship, either human or canine, could be viewed as a form of cruelty.

Leaving a dog entirely alone for a full working day is far from ideal.

Dogs And Working

In today’s world people are busy, and in our cities houses have smaller back yards, or none at all. People need to work, but a full-time job need not be an insurmountable obstacle to owning a dog; you can arrange care for your dog when you can’t be there. Just as working parents have to make childcare arrangements, so do responsible dog owners.

Dog Day Care Could Be The Answer

Doggy Day care is growing in popularity in New Zealand as dog owners realise leaving a highly social dog alone day in and day out is asking for trouble. Day cares are a controlled environment; a fun, safe place where you can drop your dog off, making your life easier and ensuring your dog’s comfort and happiness while you’re at work.

dogs-at-day-careWe make sure your dog is looked after properly, is not alone for extended periods and all their needs are met. Our staff are trained in dog body language and behaviour, and all dogs are closely monitored while they play to ensure everyone has fun and stays safe. We evaluate all our daycare dogs on energy levels and temperament.

We offer flexibility for owners. Talk to us about dog daycare for full- or half-day stays. We will try to work in with you if you have irregular work hours, or just want us to look after your dog occasionally. Dogs are social creatures. Hanging out with other dogs for even one day a week provides a break from the usual routine and gives them as much (or as little) social interaction as they want.

Working full time and owning a dog can be tricky, but the benefits of dog day care are numerous. Spending the day in a safe, caring environment with both canine and human company takes the stress out of your being away from home.

To ask about our dog daycare facilities call 09 299 7415 or book your dog in with us.